Sacred Pearl of Divine Fire (Agni Manitite), Indonesian Tektite


Agni Manitite, also known as the Sacred Pearl of Divine Fire, is an rare psudo-tektite found around the island of Java, Indonesia. When backlit, the color of these stones range from a smoky grey to a rich topaz.  Its name is derived from the ancient Sanskrit term “Agni Mani”, meaning “pearl of the divine fire”. These tektites are thought to have formed durring a meteorite impact in ancient times. Other theories speculate they may be volcanic in origin.
The Pearl of Divine Fire is considered to be the same type of tektite as Moldavite.  These are extremely high vibrational, transformational specimens that will blast your crown and 3rd eye chakras.  These are wonderful tools to aid us in tuning into our Highest Guidance!

Size: See dropdown menu
Priced individually based on Size, Shape, and Quality.

Personally curated, polished and charged by Dylan Louis Monroe, The Mapmaker.

Sacred Pearl of Divine Fire (Agni Manitite), Indonesian Tektite

Agni Manitite, also known as the Sacred Pearl of Divine Fire, is an rare psudo-tektite found around the island of Java, Indonesia. When backlit, the color of these stones range from a smoky grey to a rich topaz.  Its name is derived from the ancient Sanskrit term “Agni Mani”, meaning “pearl of the divine fire”. These tektites are thought to have formed durring a meteorite impact in ancient times. Other theories speculate they may be volcanic in origin.
The Pearl of Divine Fire is considered to be the same type of tektite as Moldavite.  These are extremely high vibrational, transformational specimens that will blast your crown and 3rd eye chakras.  These are wonderful tools to aid us in tuning into our Highest Guidance!

Size: See dropdown menu
Priced individually based on Size, Shape, and Quality.

Personally curated, polished and charged by Dylan Louis Monroe, The Mapmaker.