The Mini Intel Packet taps back into the roots of our main D.S.M.P. Intel Packet, to provide you with the fundamentals of what D.S.M.P. has to offer. These are the most popular diagrams we’ve created, as well as our best sellers, and also the best diagrams for “beginners,” or individuals ordering from D.S.M.P. for the first time, who may be newly awakened or have limited knowledge of the “hidden history”. These diagrams are by new means “basic” however. Between the 3 main diagrams, and one bonus map, you’ll have plenty of intel to blow anyones mind with!
Save $17 compared to buying items individually!
Included in the Mini Intel Packet:
– Q-KEY Lamination: Our original timeline of the hidden history.
– Cult of Baal: Timeline of the cult ruling our world, and the connections between the key players & organizations.
– Healing Web Lamination: Comprehensive comparison of Big Pharma vs. Holistic healing modalities.
– 4 Stickers: Lightcode (Hologram, 4.5″), 3 x Crystalized Hologram American Civilian Flags (1.75″)
– Mini Q-WEB 5″ Square (to redpill a friend with!)
– 1 Flyer: D.S.M.P. / New Templars
– 1 Bonus artwork that YOU select (choose from the menu below)
– Custom D.S.M.P. Energy Map Folder for safekeeping all your artworks.
All artwork is designed to be framable if you so choose. (Store bought 8.5 x 11″ frames work great) (Trim laminate edges if planning to frame)
COLORS of Bonus Artwork & Mini Q-WEB Flyer MAY VARY from what is shown in the thumbnail image!