Large Clear Quartz Pyramid, Brazil


Quartz crystals are believed to harbor the knowledge of long-lost civilizations.  Quartz is healing to the physical and emotional body and promotes psychic activation along with telepathic downloads.

This Clear Quartz Pyramid, mined and carved in Brazil, has a red phantom inclusion and many shimmering rainbows inside of it.  Pyramids are known to be energy enhancers.  They work perfectly as the centerpiece in a crystal gird.  You can also place an intention or photograph under the pyramid to send energy remotely through the quantum matrix.

Freestanding Pyramid

Size: 2.75″ base x 2″ height

Personally curated and charged by Dylan Louis Monroe, The Mapmaker.

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Clear Quartz Pyramid, Brazil

Quartz crystals are believed to harbor the knowledge of long-lost civilizations.  Quartz is healing to the physical and emotional body and promotes psychic activation along with telepathic downloads.

This Clear Quartz Pyramid, mined and carved in Brazil, has a red phantom inclusion and many shimmering rainbows inside of it.  Pyramids are known to be energy enhancers.  They work perfectly as the centerpiece in a crystal gird.  You can also place an intention or photograph under the pyramid to send energy remotely through the quantum matrix.

Freestanding Pyramid

Size: 2.75″ base x 2″ height

Personally curated and charged by Dylan Louis Monroe, The Mapmaker.


A (Clear Quartz "Big Boy"), B (Clear Quartz "Shorty"), C (Smokey Quartz )