Gnostic Mythos; Deity Chart PDF Download


The Gnostic Mythos is Tablet 9 of the Deity Chart, Expanded Edition.  This lineage chart reveals the key figures, and concepts in Gnostic Christian philosophy, an esoteric and non-homogenous belief system that the Roman Catholic Church has tried to eradicate for millennia.  It is still, however, a prominent religion amongst the initiated, and the Gnostic Illuminati.  This diagram charts not only the divine figures of the Gnostic pantheon, but their merger into mortal bloodlines as well, and the sects and societies spawned from those bloodlines.

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8.5 x 11, Letter size

4.3 MB  *Pixilation removed on actual file. 

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The Gnostic Mythos is Tablet 9 of the Deity Chart, Expanded Edition.  This lineage chart reveals the key figures, and concepts in Gnostic Christian philosophy, an esoteric and non-homogenous belief system that the Roman Catholic Church has tried to eradicate for millennia.  It is still, however, a prominent religion amongst the initiated, and the Gnostic Illuminati.  This diagram charts not only the divine figures of the Gnostic pantheon, but their merger into mortal bloodlines as well, and the sects and societies spawned from those bloodlines.

2-sided PDF
8.5 x 11, Letter size

4.3 MB  *Pixilation removed on actual file. 

Purchase grants 3-time use download link.   Make sure to save your download to your hard drive immediately after purchasing.

Copyright Disclaimer: Download for PERSONAL USE ONLY. RESALE is PROHIBITED.
Links may not be reposted.  You may print this artwork for yourself and friends or as public flyers, but it should not be mass-produced for resale.  Thank you for respecting the intellectual property of D.S.M.P., and assisting in the Great Awakening.