Deity Chart, Sunset Edition PDF Download


Hi-res digital download of the Deity Chart Sunset Edition 2 page PDF.  D.S.M.P. original artwork, hi-res, highly legible, and deeply researched.

How many wars have been fought over differences in religious beliefs?  How many lives have been lost at the hands of religious persecution?  What if it could be demonstrated that most of the pantheons of the various world religions are populated by Deities that share virtually identical attributes across time, distance, and culture?  This would suggest that there was a root religion, or possibly historical events, that all religions branched off from!

The “Deity Chart” combines the familial lineage trees of several different pantheons of Deities throughout the Western World.  Deities that share analogous archetypes, or sets of similar qualities, are listed together within their corresponding generation.  Etymological similarities can also give us hints as to any Deity’s predecessor.  May this illustration function as the Rosetta Stone of the heavenly realms hence forth!

2-page PDF.  Includes Deity Chart, World Religion Ancestry Chart, Essays
Version: 7.24.23
8.5 x 11, Letter size

31.6 MB

Purchase grants 3-time use download link.  Make sure to save your download to your hard drive immediately after purchasing.

Copyright Disclaimer: Download for PERSONAL USE ONLY. RESALE is PROHIBITED.
Links may not be reposted.  You may print this artwork for yourself and friends or as public flyers, but it should not be mass-produced for resale.  Thank you for respecting the intellectual property of D.S.M.P., and assisting in the Great Awakening.

Hi-res digital download of the Deity Chart Sunset Edition 2 page PDF.  D.S.M.P. original artwork, hi-res, highly legible, and deeply researched.

How many wars have been fought over differences in religious beliefs?  How many lives have been lost at the hands of religious persecution?  What if it could be demonstrated that most of the pantheons of the various world religions are populated by Deities that share virtually identical attributes across time, distance, and culture?  This would suggest that there was a root religion, or possibly historical events, that all religions branched off from!

The “Deity Chart” combines the familial lineage trees of several different pantheons of Deities throughout the Western World.  Deities that share analogous archetypes, or sets of similar qualities, are listed together within their corresponding generation.  Etymological similarities can also give us hints as to any Deity’s predecessor.  May this illustration function as the Rosetta Stone of the heavenly realms hence forth!

2-page PDF.  Includes Deity Chart, World Religion Ancestry Chart, Essays
Version: 7.24.23
8.5 x 11, Letter size

31.6 MB

Purchase grants 3-time use download link.  Make sure to save your download to your hard drive immediately after purchasing.

Copyright Disclaimer: Download for PERSONAL USE ONLY. RESALE is PROHIBITED.
Links may not be reposted.  You may print this artwork for yourself and friends or as public flyers, but it should not be mass-produced for resale.  Thank you for respecting the intellectual property of D.S.M.P., and assisting in the Great Awakening.